lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

People that visit the natural monument Contulmo

In the monument natural contulmo, we can find a discharge it demands at national, local level and also on the part of the foreigners that visit our country. Mainly they are especially national tourists those that visit the place, delegations that you/they inhabit the counties of the region of the biobio. They usually visit in groups. It is highly potenciable in foreign tourists' demand, since Chile possesses the mother's enviable nature beauty for other countries. To our publicitar country and the tourism, one of the main points to strengthen, was the natural tourism, since Chile is highly privileged for the nature, with that which is denominated to the campaign "Chile, nature that moves", waiting that we end up being potent in the tourist environment. Of the previously this thing (it demands tourist national and foreigner), he/she stays a registration, in which take data like age, sex, place of origin etc.; which is of great utility for the possible studies to carry out in the place (it is a contribution).